
How to get Sumeru teapot realm layout in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact players can unlock a new teapot layout in Sumeru that has an incredible and unique appearance. Unlocking this realm isn't too tricky, but it may take some time since there is a long checklist of tasks that need to be completed in Sumeru first. Once you have completed the prerequisites, you can quickly purchase the Nature's True Fruit item and begin building the perfect home in the new flower-themed realm.

Here's how to unlock the new Sublime Spicewood teapot realm layout in Genshin Impact.

Sublime Spicewood teapot realm in Genshin Impact: How to unlock the new teapot layout

The new Sublime Spicewood realm in Genshin Impact is one of the most beautiful Serenitea Pot realms released so far, and unlocking it is definitely worth your time. You won't have to do too much to unlock this new realm, but it can take a while as you'll need to complete a variety of quests in Sumeru. Once these quests have been completed, unlocking this new realm is a snap and can be done in just a few seconds. Here's what you'll need to do:

Complete the first four parts of Sumeru's Archon Quest

Sumeru has some of the game's longest quests so far, and you will need to take them on if you want to unlock the Sublime Spicewood realm. These quests range from just a few minutes to hours in length. The region's new Archon Quest has four stages that need to be completed, and it may be quite a while before you are able to unlock the new realm. Here are all the quests that need to be finished first:

  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act I - Through Mists of Smoke and Forests Dark
  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act II - The Morn a Thousand Roses Bring
  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act III - Dreams, Emptiness, Deception
  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act IV - King Deshret and the Three Magi

Once all of these Archon Quest Acts have been completed, you will have unlocked plenty of resources and new items. You will also likely have collected plenty of Realm Currency, which will be required to finally unlock the new realm.

Unlocking the Sublime Spicewood realm

Once you have completed all four of the Archon Quest acts, you can enter your Serenitea Pot to converse with Tubby. Once in his menu, select the Realm Depot option and head to Riches of the Realm. In the menu, there will be an item called Nature's True Fruit, and you will need to purchase it for 1000 Realm Currency.

After purchasing it, you should head into your inventory and select the item from the Precious Items section. Use the item to unlock the new Realm Layout, and then speak to Tubby once more to switch the layout to the newly unlocked Sublime Spicewood teapot realm.

Genshin Impact players can easily unlock the new Sublime Spicewood teapot realm as long as they complete a variety of quests in Sumeru.

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Kelle Repass

Update: 2024-06-13