How do bloodstains work in Elden Ring?
Elden Ring's multiplayer mode is filled with unique and exciting features. People can write messages, invade others or play in co-op to help a friend or a stranger out within the game.
There is another feature amongst this that is quite a staple for the Souls series called bloodstains. These are marks left behind when a player dies in a particular spot.
They are not that important but can help alarm someone about an impending danger. All players have to do is interact with a bloodstain as soon as they see one on the floor to activate them.
See Melina Elden Ring here.
Bloodstains in Elden Ring only work when players are online
The concept of bloodstains that exist within the Elden Ring is interesting. When a player dies, for instance, a small puddle of blood is created in that location.
If another player approaches this puddle of blood and interacts with it, they will see the final moments of the person who died there. The cause of death is kept hidden, but they play the role of an alarm.
In a game like Elden Ring, the world is filled with traps where uninformed players can often jump and die. Therefore, whenever someone sees a bloodstain on the ground, they should exercise caution at the very instance.
There are times when players will leave messages saying, "Try Jumping". However, as soon as players look to the ground, they might notice bloodstains littered everywhere near the message.
For the Elden Ring PS4, click here.
A smart player would immediately understand that it is a joke where someone is trying to bait others into either a strong enemy or a pitfall. Thus, they should walk away from the situation if they feel that their strength is not enough to pick a fight at that moment.
This is because there are times when players might be carrying 2000 or 3000 runes with them. Once they get baited into a potent enemy, they might die and lose all their runes. This can be infuriating for new players when trying to learn the game.
Thus, it is advisable to always look for bloodstains whenever players explore the Lands Between. However, they should remember that this feature does not work in single-player mode.
Players need to be online for bloodstains to appear. Therefore, they should always remain logged in, as that can act as a life-saver in several instances.
Check out the Elden Ring PC here.
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