
Ellen Degeneres Doesnt Own the Viral Oscar Tweet Pic, Bradley Cooper Does

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Okay kids, this is a quick but important lesson on copyright from TMZ. It is a little bit complicated, so pay close attention because there might be a pop quiz at the end of the article. Remember the epic pic Ellen DeGeneres took at the Oscars this year?  The pic that had a dozen or so celebrities crammed in, and she wanted it to be the retweet record? Well, we are sure you do, but what we bet you don’t know is, Ellen Degeneres doesn’t own the viral Oscar tweet pic that she put together that night. Heck, the Oscars don’t even own the pic, nor does Twitter. Here comes the fine print.

So did you know that whoever TAKES a picture is the one who owns the rights? You do recall that Ellen had Bradley Cooper take the actual picture, right? Well, in that act, she signed over all the rights to the picture, forever. Yup, Bradley Cooper own the Oscar pic. Granted, he obviously doesn’t care and this will mean nothing because he is a cool dude and didn’t care people were retweeting it and making it viral. Regardless, this means he could sell it to magazines and TV shows and countless image providers and make millions of he wanted to, and all he had to do was snap the button.

In the end, we think Coops (we call him that because we pretend to be good friends with him our imagination) is a rather chill, and probably could care less, either way. But remember this from now on. Whoever snaps a pic owns the rights. You learn something new every day.

(Photo by Toby Canham/Getty Images)


Billy Koelling

Update: 2024-06-29